Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rotary Screw Air Compressor Overhaul !

Rotary Twin Screw Air Compressor Overhaul; 


What is the HRD Levy?

The HRD (Human Resources Development) Levy is a mandatory employer contribution, typically a percentage of employee salaries, to fund programs improving the national workforce's skills in Malaysia. 

Companies with 10 or more employees are required to contribute, while those with 5 to 9 employees can opt to register, though it's not obligatory.

How To Calculate the HRD Levy

Unutilised HRD Levy Forfeiture

Starting in 2020, Section 25 of the PSMB Act 2001 shortens the timeframe for forfeiting unclaimed HRD Levy funds to 2 years instead of 5. If no claims are made within this period, your Levy contributions from two years ago will be forfeited until RM10,000 remains.


Act quickly to claim valuable financial assistance and benefits for your businesses.


14th April 2010 Penang, Malaysia. Model: 

CompAir Broomwade N6090, imported version [ not sold locally ] Front showing the drive coupling, behind the shaft is the gear box.


Pinion shaft of drive gear, gear box housing Compressor case, note the size; The bigger size hole is for male drive rotor. The smaller size on the left is the female rotor, driven. 
The end plate, note the wear on the surface on the bigger rotor. 

Cause by some foreign metal particles.

Gear case housing Driven rotor, that is the female rotor. 

Drive rotor, this case is the male rotor. The gear on the floor is mounted in the gear box to the drive shaft of the main motor, this gear will drive the smaller size gear install on one end of the male rotor shaft.

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